How clear are you on what it means for you to holistically flourish in Jesus?

Photo by Jenna Hamra

Get clear on holistically flourishing in Jesus—and then take action! Why?

  • Because God calls you to abundant life in Jesus (John 10:9-11).
  • Because getting clear on and taking action on holistically flourishing helps you serve God, have robust health, enjoy deep friendships, and learn life-changing things.
  • Because not getting clear on and not taking action on holistically flourishing can result in you serving yourself, experiencing only satisfactory health, and possibly stagnating socially and intellectually.
  • Because getting clear and taking action are best practices.

Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

Here are 5 questions that can help you get clear on and take action on flourishing in Jesus:

Question 1: To you, what is and isn’t holistically flourishing in Jesus? This is what that looks like for me:

Holistically flourishing in Jesus is…Not holistically flourishing in Jesus is…
Joining God in what He’s already doing.Asking God to join me in what I’m already doing.
Having adequate time to do my work (see Construct: Stress, p. 18)Having too much to do and not enough time.
Apologizing, asking for help, and demonstrating commitment to the mission.Not apologizing, asking for help, or demonstrating commitment to the mission.
Getting consistent feedback and getting coaching.Getting infrequent feedback.
Experiencing a welcoming workspace.Experiencing an unwelcoming workspace.
Discussing (including celebrating) the meaning, implications, and achievement of the purpose statements.Treating the purpose statements as irrelevant.
Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night.Feeling tired (and in need of coffee).
Expressing deep appreciation for my colleagues’ cultures.Thinking everyone should use my cultural practices.
Having my professional development aligned with individual, team, and schoolwide goals (see Construct: Professional Development, p. 16).Having professional development that is not aligned with goals.
Using tools that help me focus on flourishing: Curriculum Plan, Expected Student Outcomes Assessment Plan, Governance Plan, and Well-Being Culture Plan.Using tools that don’t focus on flourishing.

Question 2: How would you define holistically flourishing in Jesus? Based on ACSI’s Flourishing Model, I’d define holistically flourishing as consistently experiencing the 5 elements of flourishing and helping others do the same. The 5 elements of flourishing are:

Photo by Ann H

Question 3: For you, what does holistically flourishing look like? I use vision scripts to describe what flourishing looks like (see sample vision scripts for students, staff, and leaders). Holistically flourishing for me includes consistently experiencing…

Question 4: What can you do to achieve your vision? I’d recommend…

  • Implementing a Personalized Flourishing Plan that is designed to help you achieve your vision (see Question 3).
  • Working with a coach or an accountability partner.
  • Assessing and celebrating progress.
  • Completing an annual after action review and then determining next steps.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Question 5: What will you do? What I’m doing includes:

  • Exercising 5 times each week.
  • Building relationships at church.
  • Reading 50+ books in 2024.

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Get flourishing!
