Do you want to effectively or ineffectively complete your ACSI Inspire domain report?

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Effectively complete your ACSI Inspire domain report! (Please don’t ineffectively complete it.) Why?

  • Because effectively completing your domain report helps you, your colleagues, and your school to get inspired to flourish.
  • Because effectively completing your report helps readers more deeply understand what’s happening and how to move forward in your domain.
  • Because not effectively completing your report results in frustration for you (the writer) and for your readers (think domain committee and members of the visiting team). Not good.
  • And because as the living curriculum for your students and colleagues, effectively completing your domain report demonstrates your desire for excellence.

(Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash)

Good news—you don’t have to feel like the kid in the above photo when doing your ACSI Inspire domain report! Just identify the limited number of steps you need to take to write an effective report and take them! What comes to mind for me are the following 7 steps:

(1) Clarify the big picture. Make sure you deeply understand the focus of your domain and the key ideas in the domain’s standards.

(2) Assess your school’s effectiveness with regard to the domain indicators, strengths, and growth areas.

(3) Reflect on how your domain helps people thrive, how effective your school is in terms of your domain, and what your distinctives and challenges are relative to the domain.

(4) Collaboratively develop the criteria of an effective report. 

(5) Write a draft of your domain report.

(6) Use the criteria (see step 4)  to assess your draft and then apply what you learned from your assessment to improve your report so that it meets all criteria.

(7) Celebrate the completion of a domain report that meets the criteria.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Hint: Use the expanded version of the 7 steps by clicking here

Take 7 Steps provides additional details, useful ChatGPT prompts, and a sample report outline, all designed to help you write an effective ACSI Inspire domain report.

Here are some other tools you might find helpful:

What about you? How do you feel about writing an effective domain report for your ACSI Inspire self-study? What are the benefits of writing an effective domain report? What steps do you need to take to write an effective report?

Get flourishing!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out Take 7 Steps, the full version of how to write an effective domain report that comes complete with ChatGPT prompts and a sample outline!